
The single most powerful emotion that paralyzes a man to the point of inaction and even degeneration is- Sorrow.

Sorrow grows deeper the more we nurse it, wallow in it, accept it as being permanent or here to stay for a while. In other words, when we give up hope, this negative emotion takes control of our soul.
This past month I v felt such deep sorrow that I let it affect my daily routine. This I v realized was the worst thing I could do.

Sorrow is like Spiderman's web. Its icky sticky and it holds you back tight. So dont ever let it wrap around you because getting out of it is sure going to be a tricky affair. Thats why our emotions have to be given only second preference to our activities. Our life's work is always something which has to be honoured and kept up no matter what our emotional high or low. And good action always more worth than empty emotion.

God promises that he will turn your mourning into dancing. (Psalm 30:11)

He promises us that the very things that once brought pain will bring us joy, if only we trust him. Embrace him, trust him utterly, honor him with your goodness and righteousness, and just keep doing your work in faith. He will soothe that sorrow.

So tell yourself now- I may be down, but not out. Crushed but not dead. I will rise, on eagles wings, on the strength of my Lord who is my life, my hope, my strength. Just humble yourself to the point of belief in God and his words. Then you will find that strength to hope which will in turn give you life- a joyous, content living called life!
