Book Review: The Secret of the Rosary

Image: Cover of the book "Secret of the Rosary" by St Louis de Montfort, TAN books
Purchase link: The Secret of the Rosary

Do you struggle to have fervent devotion in the practice of the Holy Rosary?

Are you a cradle catholic who has grown up saying the Rosary everyday but it hasn't "done anything" for you? 

Do you find that despite saying the Rosary, you remain the same old sinner?

Do you find your family and friends who do say the Rosary, are the exact same over the years unrepentant of and blind to their sins, and this leads you to scorn the devotion of the Rosary?

Do you have a habitual sin you want to overcome?

Do you feel like you can never stop sinning?

Do you feel like you are beyond the mercy of God?

Do you want to grow in your spiritual life?

Do you want to be saved and go to heaven after death?

Then "The secret of the Rosary" by St. Louis de Montfort is the book for you! This is the only book infact you will need to know all about the devotion to the Rosary. This book is first of all written by a saint and thus worthy of one's mind and time share. The subject of the book, devotion of the Rosary of Mother Mary, makes it doubly a must read for a Christian. 
I v been struggling for sometime knowing that the Rosary is the most important devotion of our time but yet struggling to keep at it regularly. This book has turned out to be the game changer. The book explains everything one needs to know about why and how to practice the devotion of the Rosary. I never knew ,for example,  practice of kneeling and reciting the Rosary that my pious grandparents used to insist on, actually has an indulgence attached to it! If you didnt know that either, i pray you read this book and get to know much more of this devotion that has been practiced but little understood.

De Montfort gives ample examples of the miracles and wonders worked through praying the Rosary. He also admits that he knows not why such a simple devotion is elevated by God to be such a powerful weapon and yet in his experience it is the most powerful weapon man has. It can destroy evil, make saints of sinners and propagate Christendom. It is THE devotion for our times. 

The book covers:
1) the origins of the Rosary, 
2) the significance of each prayer in the Rosary, 
3) real life examples of miracles worked through the Rosary, 
5) Mother Mary's promises for those who practice this devotion
6) the indulgences attached by Holy Mother Church to the Rosary,  
7) how to say the Rosary in an efficacious manner, 
8) explains why kneeling is the best posture when reciting the Rosary
9) provides various methods to say the Rosary

So dear reader, please dont say the Rosary again without reading this book! or at least, start reading it even as you keep saying the Rosary. I pray you will read this book and help propagate devotion to the holy Rosary.

Picture: Our liturgical living activities for today, the feast of our lady of the Rosary- Mama Mary peg doll  and cardboard swords (recalling the historic battle of Lepanto in 1571 in which a small Christian army crushed a large Turkish army thus saving Europe from Islamic hegemony)

A 3 min video explaining the significance of the battle of Lepanto in world history

Salve Maria!
